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The Dinosaur Who...

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The Dinosaur Who Ran the Store
The Dinosaur Who Ran the Store

Bella is a BOSSY boss. She strides around her store, shouting ORDERS to her staff. They won’t take this much more! Bella's new department store is about to open, but will things run smoothly if she's not kind to her staff? Find out in this charmingly illustrated Dinosaur Tales picture book.

The Dinosaur Who Stayed Indoors
The Dinosaur Who Stayed Indoors

Fred the dinosaur loves sitting alone indoors watching TV and playing computer games. Can his friends persuade him to come outside and join in the fun? A full-size picture book with lively illustrations and charming story - perfect for sharing.

The Dinosaur Who Asked "What for?"
The Dinosaur Who Asked "What for?"

The Dinosaur Explorer Club is going camping. Everyone wants to help set up camp - except for Daisy. Can her friends persuade her to change her lazy ways?

The Dinosaur with the Noisy Snore
The Dinosaur with the Noisy Snore

Everyone in Dinosaur Valley is ready for bed, but noisy neighbor Rory is keeping them awake with his super-loud snore. Can he learn to be considerate and maybe even put his snore to good use? Find out in this charming cautionary tale.
