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Can math make people rich on the stock market? Can formulas be used to predict which sports teams will win more games? Can equations explain the mysteries of the universe? The short answer to all these is YES. This book explores and explains the ways that the tools of mathematics help people to make sense of the world around them, to predict the future and, just maybe, how to make life itself better.
Rather than explaining details about how to do physics, this book focuses on explaining what different branches of physics are about, how we know about them, and what mysteries remain for budding physicists to uncover. It doesn't shy away from the hard stuff, tackling Black Holes, quantum mechanics, and even Einstein's theory of relativity.
Includes: Understanding Business, Understanding the Climate Crisis, Understanding Economics, Understanding Money, Understanding Philosophy, Understanding Physics, and Understanding Politics & Government.
Who are we? Where are we going? What is the meaning of life? What do I know? Philosophy gives answers to all of these questions and helps us ask other questions about the human experience. Accessible and informative, this comprehensive introduction to philosophy will help readers understand how it can help everyone with their day-to-day life, with their life's purpose, with their personal happiness. Series: Understanding… Understanding politics, business, and other sociology topics are essential to understand the world around you. Learn how laws are decided upon and applied to countries and the ins and outs of business with these approachable, quirky books.
Some people say it’s not polite to talk about money, but if we don’t talk about it, how will anyone understand how money works, what counts as fair pay, and why there is such a big gap between the rich and the poor? Series: Understanding… Understanding politics and business is essential to understand the world around you. Learn how laws are decided upon and applied to countries and the ins and outs of business with these approachable, quirky books.
Nobody has everything they need all the time – so how can we make do with what we have? Economics is all about understanding the choices we make to solve this problem. With bright, infographics pictures, this informative book describes why markets are so important, how businesses work out what to sell, and how governments choose how to run a country. Includes Usborne Quicklinks to specially selected websites for more information. Series: Understanding… Understanding politics, business, and other sociology topics are essential to understand the world around you. Learn how laws are decided upon and applied to countries and the ins and outs of business with these approachable, quirky books.
The Climate Crisis is real. It is already changing the world around us. This book will help you to understand how we know this to be true, and what effect it might have in the future. The GOOD NEWS is that we have a plan. But the BIG QUESTION still remains – will we choose to do it?
Understand the ins and outs of business with this approachable, quirky book. The diagrams and cartoons will explain in terms people can understand how the global market works, what businesses and companies do, what they need, and what purpose they serve. From a small market stall to the biggest worldwide companies, no business will hold any secret for readers of this book. Series: Understanding… Understanding politics and business is essential to understand the world around you. Learn how laws are decided upon and applied to countries and the ins and outs of business with these approachable, quirky books.