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Billy and the Mini Monsters: Monsters at Halloween


When Billy arrives at the Halloween party he finds Sparkle Boogey in the apple bobbing, Trumpet in a pumpkin, and Gloop playing Guess the Body Part. Can Billy save Halloween?

Series: Billy and the Mini Monsters
Billy is an ordinary boy until one night he finds five mini monsters living in his sock drawer. From the moment he discovers Gloop, Peep, Fang-Face, Captain Snott, and Trumpet, Billy’s life will never be the same again...


More in This Series

Billy and the Mini Monsters: Monsters on a Sleepover
Billy and the Mini Monsters: Monsters Go to the Hospital
Billy and the Mini Monsters Library Collection
Billy and the Mini Monsters: Monsters Go Green
Billy and the Mini Monsters: Monsters at Christmas
Billy and the Mini Monsters: Monsters go Camping
Billy and the Mini Monsters: Monsters at the Beach
Billy and the Mini Monsters: Monsters at the Museum
Billy and the Mini Monsters: Monsters Go Party!
Billy and the Mini Monsters: Monsters in the Dark
Billy and the Mini Monsters: Monsters on a Plane
Billy and the Mini Monsters: Monsters on the Loose
Billy and the Mini Monsters: Monsters on the Move
Billy and the Mini Monsters: Monsters to the Rescue

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Out of Print
5 1/8 x 7 3/4

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